
Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Noah summer learning jounney

I would go to Canada because there is some times snow one day and I like snow.Also another reason why I like Canada because I would like to know how to speak french and eat what they eat at Canada I beet that there food at Canada is very nice and maybe a lot cooler there too.There is a fun part and the best reason why I like going to Canada is that it says that it has a massive waterfalls and I very like waterfalls that's all the reason why I like Canada and hope I can go there one day or someday.Image result for canada flag

Noah prize giving day

                        Image result for school prize giving CLIP ART Prize giving
Last week on thursday there was the 2016 pt england prize giving happening at the hall.It was only for the year 5, 6, 7, 8, It might look short but it was very very long time sitting down waiting for at lease our turn to perform or for the prize giving to End.First thing we started off was with a good speah to start of the prize giving then oviese the maori kapa haka group treating to repursent our country or our school.Now all of that was done next went into the year 5 prizes and all the Items and specal awards that they were giving and don’t forget the lollie lays that everyone got with there prizes that was from there family and from teachers.Now it was time for the first event for a long time the year 5 prize giving performance The only information I’m going to say about year 5 performance dancing was that It was my favourite group and they had some cool songs like the old school songs there was one song I know was the PPAP song but other then that it was the best dance at prize giving.Now for the year 6 I think that the year 6 toke A long time for them to perform because because of all the prizes there were getting from maybe the past years or just the hard work they all have been doing for all these Image result for dancingyears so we had to sit there for a long time longer then we all thourght but the good news is that it wasnt very very long so that good.Now it was time for the year 6 performance There performance dance kind of made think for 1 mins is that at the end part there dance move was a little longer then i thought it will be because of how many times they were doing there last dance moves of there dance was kind of taking so long but you know what say it could be long or short it dosn’t matter how long or short peoples songs are.Well were half way there for the End of the 2016 pt england school year 5, 6, 7, 8 prize giving Next up was the year7 but first we had a little prizes the good thing is that we didn’t take long for our prizes to be handed out to us maybe because there wasn’t many of us that did that much things for pt england so our one was short prize giving then we went into our dance I’m really going to be real that our dance performance was really not that cool because of all the year 5 and 6 moves so I would've said that we were 3rd best dance at the prize giving.Now for the last but not lease the year8 I think the year 8 was the longest of getting there prizes because there was a little bit of the year7 in the year 8 prize giving prizes.Now Image result for last onefor the Last and forever the last performance the year 8 To be for real the year 8 was alright dance I won’t say it was the baddest but it look like they didn’t have many songs in their performance so that's why it finish short all I’m going to say about the year 8 short dance Make the most of it.Now for the last to finish our 2016 pt england school for year 5, 6, 7, 8 prize giving we ended with a song the strive to succeed song at the end we went home safe and happy.

My finals reflection about prize giving:

1.what i have Enjoyed?was the year 5 performance.

2.what are we proud of?I’m proud of all the energy that we put in our dance.
3.what will you take with you for 2017? I will take my chrome book because I like my chrome book.
4.special message to PES?I loved this school from the time I got here and I’ll be here next year.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Noah Coke and Mentos

Ch ch ch ch changes
Animation showing a chemical reaction 

Coke and Mentos
This animation has been made from hyper studio.
This video is about a science Experiment showing a chemical reaction